Asynchronous meetings (by Sae Ra Germaine)

Can you axpand on this?

Of course!
Most meetings are held in US based locations/timezones. which makes it hard for us on the other side of the world. Asynchronous Meetings allow for meetings to “follow the sun” with some overlap between each one to allow of everyone to contribute.

I like the idea of trying to make sure everyone can contribute no matter their time zone. Do you have any ideas about how we might do asynchronous meetings?

When we have to meet with vendors we usually find we have to stay late and the other region has to start early. Depends on the areas involved.

Yes, that is something that has come up in previous discussions as well. I am not sure I am very helpful when it comes to discussing the policy for planning meetings, though. @peter, perhaps you can chime in and clarify what our current approach is to this?

Yes – there have been efforts to make more of the SIG discussions happen here in Discuss, but I would say that we aren’t fully there yet. There is a lot of discussion that still happens in conference calls. Even those those conference calls are recorded are published, it isn’t an easy way to contribute meaningfully to the work of the SIGs. I’ll bring this topic up to product council again (ping @swilesyoung!) and see if we can keep the evolution of our decision-making moving.