I was present at the Reporting SIG meeting on 12/4/2017 and have reviewed the meeting recording a second time to try to get a clear sense of Vince’s presentation. Based on that, I’d like to raise some questions:
- Based on the Analytical Reports graphic and Vince’s explanation, I infer that the only data stored in what we’ve been calling the reporting system will be the transactional records in the data lake. Is that the plan at this point? There doesn’t appear to be any place to store MARC records, for example, either in whole or in part.
- In order to get metadata for a report, such as title or author, the analytics tool will access the Codex from the operational system; there will be no Codex or equivalent in the reporting database. Correct?
- If my first point is correct and the only data stored in the data lake is transactional data from FOLIO, what are the plans, if any, to convert retrospective transactional data? It looks to me as though the data lake is intended to record transactional data from FOLIO DAY 1 going forward only. Is that an accurate assessment? Or is there going to be some facility for incorporating historic transactional data into FOLIO, such as previous circulation history or the record of serials payments for the last several years.
- Vince was cut off in the original meeting before he finished laying out the scenario for creating a report that combined circulation and acquisitions history. Vince, could you please complete that scenario here? How would I do a report, for example, that traces the cost per circulation of items that were bought on Engineering College funds and checked out by faculty or students of the Engineering College? I understand that I could get author/title metadata from the Codex, but where would I derive the data for the College affiliation of the person who checked out the item?
- Qulto is currently reviewing analytics tools. Will they go on to develop the process of streaming the transactional data from the operational system to the data lake? Who, if anyone, has been tasked with developing what we’ve been calling the in-module reports?