Please note: This video presents our optimal vision for this feature in FOLIO; What you see in this prototype is what we are working towards in the long run, and might not all be present in the first, developed version. Please help us improve it — share your questions, constructive feedback and ideas in the comments below.
:file_cabinet: Inventory, UX iteration 2, English

Hi Filip,
Overall, I like the way this is presented, with the search, results, and full record panes. I’m thinking about space and responsive design, and one thought I had is providing the ability to pull the pane you are working on over so it fills the whole screen. For example, you search and find the instance record you want. Now you could pull over the window to have it fit the whole screen. This seems like it could be particularly helpful when dealing with a small screen.
I liked the search options to display the information you need. I don’t have a strong opinion about the buttons.
Thinking about the instance/holdings/item, I like the hierarchical information displaying at the top. Keeps you from getting confused. This does lead to a couple of questions:
Have you talked about how to deal with items that might belong to multiple instances? e.g., Analytics or bound withs? I don’t know if this came up within MM, but it could be interesting to be have an example of these more complicated relationships.
For electronic content, if a holdings is associated with the still-yet-to-be-determined resource record or other types of information (e.g., licenses), it would be great to have those relationships represented here.
Assuming we do get a resource record, this might be another way to deal with more complicated relationships, like bound withs, and the item be a “physical resource” that connects to a number of instances. (This isn’t my strongest area, but one that I know is a challenge, so something to keep on the radar).

The thought is actually that we will want to allow the end user to resize the panes as they see fit, including making the Preview pane full-width.
Your points 1 and 2 are good and I will keep them in mind going forward.

@Charlotte_Whitt Will you help us remember to look at the two points Kristin is raising for the Inventory app above?