Please note: This post highlights our current thinking on this feature. Please help us improve it — share your questions, constructive feedback and ideas in the comments below.
Let’s discuss circulation desks.
Circ desks are not locations. For more information on locations, see this discuss post.
A Use Case
- As a circ desk worker who has checked in an item
- I want to know whether the item is “home” (close to it’s selected location) or if it needs to go in transit to its home
- So that I know what needs to be done to get it reshelved
- FOLIO will support CRUD (create, read, update, delete) of circ desk records
- Circ desks can be associated with locations so that, when an item is checked in at a circ desk, the system will look at the location associated with the item and know if it is “home” or needs to go in transit to its home location
- NOTE: Circulation desks may NOT have loan rules directly applied to them
This wireframe shows a proposed Create New Circulation Desk form:
- Does this seem like the right approach?
- What other use cases relate to circ desks? Some possibilities:
- View circ desk at which a loan was initiated in the loan actions table on Loan Details
- Change location (circ desk?) at check-in
- Indicate pickup location (circ desk?) for requests
- Limit scope of user permission by location (or circ desk?) - It was suggested in an earlier meeting that permission scope (for FOLIO operators) may be limited by circ desk, rather than location. Is there really a need to have different permissions based on the circ desk you are working at? It seems like scoping permissions by location might be more valuable, especially in the case of single-tenant consortia setups. Thoughts?
- Customize calendar (open/closed days and hours) by location (circ desk?)
- Etc.
- Does it make sense to leverage the circ desk object for other operational processing centers like binderies or ILL offices? If so, should we use a more generic term like “processing center”? EDIT: @andrealoigman suggested “Service point” which I really like. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance for your input!