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Holdings records: MFHD and/or FOLIO Inventory holdings format?

8 Jun '18

HI All- some discussion around holdings records has surfaced as a result of the FOLIO Inventory: a working definition" document; and also as a result of the work the ERM working group is doing in eholdings.
I’ve created a google doc with some of the comments/questions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ia1gnVP9gZStNzipgD1Z5-W7TzutCYVOx_icz0x9LFI/edit

I think the questions we need to resolve in the near term are:

IF FOLIO maps all elements of MARC holdings into FOLIO Inventory holdings format
AND FOLIO can convert Inventory holdings format into MFHD upon export

Would anyone still need a native MARC format Holdings storage (similar to Instance MARC bib storage)?

then we’d need to answer the questions:
DOES FOLIO map all elements of MARC holdings into FOLIO Inventory holdings format now? If not, what is missing/needed?

WILL FOLIO develop the functionality to export Inventory Holdings to MFHD & what would the timeline be? When would early adopters need to have that functionality?

Feel free to respond & add additional questions.

We’ll pick up this conversation at the MM-SIG meeting 6/14
