Peter, are you familiar with the new NISO project to build upon the Queens
Library API requirements
Here’s the description of the project.
would think this might impact some of the work your group is doing for
library/vendor interoperability with regards to database resources and
electronic books.
Intersection of NISO’s Flexible API Framework for E-Content in Libraries working group and FOLIO

Yes! Thanks for bringing that up in FOLIO Discuss. (As it happens, I’m a co-chair of the NISO Discovery to Delivery topic committee that chartered the library API working group.) I think there are some commonalities with the FOLIO work. Index Data has recommended one of its staff for the working group. (Now with my D2D co-chair hat on) if you or others have an interest in joining the working group, please get in touch with Nettie Lagace (
This is a little off topic for Filip’s design bite, so I’m going to move this discussion into a new topic. Just a heads-up about the move.

Peter & Jody:
I’m a member of the Flexible API Framework for e-Content WG. I’m also on the EBSCO team.
Previously, I’ve worked with the EDS API (to allow the EDS Discovery content to be surfaced in 3rd party interfaces (like Blacklight or Drupal) and ILS integrations (to allow patron empowerment functions to be surfaced within EDS).
I’m keenly interested in Resource Access in FOLIO. I agree there could be a great deal of overlap & common goals.

Happy to meet you, Marc. The Resource Access SIG has been focused on the needs of physical material circulation to this point. I expect that group will turn their attention to digital forms of access soon, so that would be a good group to monitor.