We are trying to get a good understanding of how the terms “Renew” and “Renewal” are used in relation to electronic resources in different contexts. So far, with input from members of the ERM subgroup we’ve come up with five variations:
- When a licence deal with a publisher is about to terminate and a new agreement is reached this can be referred to as a ‘renewal’ of the agreement. In different cases this renewal might mean:
a) a change in license
b) a change in Purchase Order
c) neither (a) nor (b)
d) both (a) and (b) - In an ongoing multiyear agreement, there is the need to update the packages every year (transfers, ceases, cancellations) - both for subscribed and unsubscribed content
- The classic subscription of single journal titles call for a renewal decision every year.
We are looking for any further comments on:
- Do people agree with the use of the term ‘Renewal’ for all these scenarios?
- Are there other scenarios where the the terms renew/renewal might be used (in relation to ERM)
- Any other comments on the concepts and terms here?