Perhaps we have already collected this report for the RA SIG meeting next Monday (not shure … Uschi Klute? Andrea Loigman?) but it would be very helpful to have a “snapshot report” aka a quick real-time reporting of all open loans sorted by signature (call number/classification) and/or storage room (collection/shelfmark). About the workflow: our subject librarians often need such a quick real-time report when too many loans were done in a short time (for example at the start of a semester) and many of our patrons can’t get the media they need in reasonable time.
Real-time “Snapshot” Reports

This sounds like a relatively simple in-app report, but it’s inclusion may be a better question for the Reporting SIG than it is for RA. You may want to dig through the Reporting SIG’s master spreadsheet ( to see if it’s already been included.
However, the RA SIG is scheduled to discuss reporting (specifically in-app vs. cross-app) at our meeting tomorrow (11/26), so please feel free to join us.

Hi Christian and Andrea, we have just been talking about this report in the Report Prototype Working Group and came to the conclusion, that this is an in-app report which is already being developed. So we are closing REP-214 (which is associated with ID496 of the Reporting SIG master spreadsheet) in favor of UXPROD-1408.