Hi everyone,
We’ve been talking some about library bill-to/ship-to mailing addresses as we begin refining the orders app. As we started talking about it, we realized that other apps may be using library addresses as well. Note that these are addresses for the LIBRARY, not any vendor or external partner the library may be working with. In addition to orders, library addresses probably need to be included on patron notices, and maybe on fines/fees documents.
Our very provisional initial thinking is that libraries should have a way to create and store multiple addresses in some central way within their FOLIO tenant. Then any app that needs to work with a library address can access those central addresses. Maybe there are categories for those addresses (billing, shipping, patron-facing, etc.) to allow for filtering down the choices in various apps. Maybe they can be associated with individual teams (e.g. acquisitions units) within a tenant.
Are there other areas of FOLIO or library contexts where library mailing addresses come into play? Any other ideas or comments that we should be taking into account when figuring this out?