Our current LMS (Sierra) has the WAM proxy built into it. If we move to Folio, will we need to buy a separate standalone proxy (EZproxy or the like?) How easy will it be to connect to Folio? We are likely to keep on using a proxy server for as long as possible, since some suppliers haven’t yet moved to Shibboleth or their Shibboleth connection is unreliable.
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Proxy server plug-in for Folio?

30 May '19

5 Jun '19
Hi Rachel,
From the ERM side we’ve not had any discussion about creating a built-in proxy server for Folio - our assumption has been that this functionality would live elsewhere - probably outside Folio. We have just created a feature to ensure that appropriate proxy prefix/suffix can be added to any URLs stored in the Agreements app KB - but this is, again, with a focus on supporting external proxy servers.