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French translation and questions

26 Jan '20


I am just entering the French project translation. I probably won’t spent a lot of days, but it is a good way I thing to begin to contribute concretely to something and discover a little bit more the apps and the community processes.

  1. Does the Folio community described in english/english the “domain” vocabulary used in the project and is it followed in different modules ? (I didn’t found something explicit, maybe pages in tips & tricks ?)
  2. What are the modules integrated in the main folio localise project ?
  3. Does the module translatable strings are available in only one Folio project in localise ? (I think yes)
  4. Can I initiate an “english / french” glossary in a page like the Germans here : https://wiki.folio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33947726 Before frenetically adding new translations, I would like to have a list of “functional” terms used and how we translate it. If it does not exists somewhere, I will propose a base than could be modified later (with 3 percents translated, I think I don’t take a uge risk to begin something…)

If you want to join me, feel free to contact me if it needs discussion, I am on Slack !

And thanks Peter :slight_smile:


26 Jan '20

Maybe for the fourth it is better to use the lokalise feature ? I don’t see an open format to export into so maybe not a good idea ?

4 Feb '20

Hello Claire! I apologize for the delay in replying. I have some answers and suggestions.

  1. There is a glossary of English terms on the FOLIO wiki, but I don’t think it is kept up-to-date. It was an early effort in the community to unify FOLIO terms with common library terms.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, all of the FOLIO library service platform apps are represented in the FOLIO project on Lokalise. (The ReShare Project has been talking about translation support for their apps, but we will likely create a separate Lokalise project for them.) If you find that an app is missing from Lokalise, please let me know. I try to keep up with new app creation, but I might have missed one or two.
  3. Yes, all FOLIO apps are in one Lokalise project. If you want to focus on just one app, you can use the “Filter” option to select a particular filename
  4. Sure! As you have found, I don’t think there are any active French translators at the moment, so this is a good time to work on a glossary.
26 Feb '20


Another question…

Where and how can I have more context detail. In my example, I pick mod-inventory with your tip. I arrive to the “Created Source” words (createdSource). When I search in mod-inventory source I cannot find it. When I look at the interface, I don’t find it. So what is the tip to be sure of what I am translating ?


26 Feb '20

Another question:

When I look to ui-inventory, I see a french translation for some words: https://github.com/folio-org/ui-inventory/blob/dc4254dd24617e40e1be96af26a1bff737a12dcb/translations/ui-inventory/fr_FR.json

I pick one and put it in localize: item.availability.loanDate This word is not translated in localize (empty) but translated in ui-inventory.

(Just to understand better why)

26 Feb '20

Hi Claire. You were close to the right place! In the FOLIO project’s GitHub, the repositories that start with “mod-” are for the back-end services. The front end repositories—where the string translations are stored—are prefixed with “ui-” (for individual apps) and “stripes-” (for common widgets and other shared code).

Now for the next issue…I can’t find where createdSource is used in the JavaScript source in ui-inventory! I have tracked down the person who added the createdSource string to the translation file and posed a question to that person about whether or not the string is needed, and if it is needed to provide a screen-shot showing the context.

26 Feb '20

Oh, mince—this is my mistake. There are two languages defined in Lokalise: French and French (France). The vast majority of work was done in French (France) (it is 87% complete), but I assigned the French (no country modifier) to your account. I see that there are some translations done in French (no country modifier). What I can do is copy those to French (France) and change your account to make translations into that language key. Does that make sense?

27 Feb '20

Hi Peter,

I did few changes, I can “redo” its. So feel free to change the accout :slight_smile:


27 Feb '20

Okay, I’ve changed your assigned language. You may need to log off of Lokalise and log back in. I’m sorry I made this error in the first place.

4 Mar '20

Claire — I got a reply with a screenshot about the createdSource string. There is now a screenshot in Lokalise with the context of this string as it is used in FOLIO: