Hi everyone! I am a technical writing student at BCIT with a background in liberal arts. I am passionate about information management, content management, and information architecture. I hope to make a significant contribution to FOLIO when I have more experience. If anyone wants to strike up a correspondence on your experiences with FOLIO, as a user or contributor, I would appreciate the guidance. (mailto:emma.gollner@gmail.com).
Discuss.FOLIO.org is no longer used. This is a static snapshot of the website as of February 14, 2023.
I’m a keen student interested FOLIO

19 May '21

21 May '21
Hello, Emma! Welcome to the FOLIO community. I’m going to forward your message to Marcia Borensztajn; Marcia is leading the FOLIO Documentation effort. Unfortunately, I think the deadline for applying to the Google Season of Docs has just passed, but that might be something to look for in future years.

21 May '21
@EmmaGollner even if Season of Docs doesn’t work out, feel free to join the community Slack channel to learn more about the work that we do. More information is at Welcome to FOLIO! Start here. - Community - FOLIO Wiki

22 May '21
Thank you so much for responding to my post. I have joined the Slack Channel. I appreciate any information or advice that comes my way.