Thank you for the swift reply @peter I know that the Koha community has put a lot of work lately into a new REST API layer, but there is certainly room for solving things in the base system in different ways. I guess I’ll have to dig a little deeper myself and see where the two projects could learn from each other. But as someone who codes from time to time I know the frustration of people only seeing frontend. Major infrastructure development is often judged on the Bootstrap theme you used to slap together a quick demo
Details about Koha’s exploration and implementation of a RESTful API

You’re welcome, @Viktor – happy to provide some context. I wasn’t aware of the REST API layer work in Koha, so I went hunting for some documentation. This is what I found; did I miss anything?

I’ve been away from active development for 6 months now @peter so I’m not updated but I do have a feeling that there has been quite a lot done than at least reflected in the RFC. I know they decided to use Swagger spring 2015 and a quick search for “REST API” on bugzilla gives some indication at least of how it’s going (though I’m not sure how many of those are in the omnibus).

Thanks again for this info. Since FOLIO is also working from a RESTful API, it’ll be good to compare notes with what Koha is doing.