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:camera_with_flash: UX Process Snapshot: Reading room circulation—research in Stockholm

17 Feb '17

#:camera_with_flash: UX Process Snapshot: Reading room circulation—research in Stockholm

Monday this week I visited The Royal Library of Sweden—Kungl—to learn about, among other things, the special need that national libraries have for reading room circulation functionality, and how we might ensure the flexibility of the FOLIO ecosystem to support that need. Attached a few snapshots for the curious:

Like many other institutions, Kungl is currently transitioning to RFID tags to improve the circulation process and experience

Most of Kungl’s collection consists of “closed stacks”: the items are stored underground and are brought to patrons when requested

Sometimes an item goes missing — in which case slips are placed on the shelf in their place. This one reads: »Missing at audit, 1982«

Electronic resources are a big part of the future, but can lack the tactility and charm of tangible items

During my visit, we brainstormed quickly about the concept of automation in libraries and in FOLIO — what does a system need to do for different types of staff users — from the casual user to the system expert

Kungl has been forced to develop many custom macros to make their worfklows extra effecient. This is a challenge at many institutions, and one that I hope we can help make less cumbersome with the advent and evolution of the FOLIO platform

26 Feb '17

The National Széchényi Library in Budapest is also renewing the Reading room circulation functionality (together with literally all other services), and we are working on the concept, how we want to handle this. We are very interested in an exchange of those experiences. We have a very ambitious timeline of replacing the existing solution: End of 2018 - we are working together with a few other hungarian libraries, therefore we are very open to any contributions in this subject from other countries.

28 Feb '17

You may be interested in participating in the Resource Access SIG (and some sub-SIGs they have). You can contact @andrealoigman for more information or take a look at the FOLIO wiki (https://wiki.folio.org/display/RA).

It would be good to include the reading room circulation perspective now in the design process.

19 Feb '18

Consult if folio will take a module to work with RFID for loan management and inventory control