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Privacy SIG is starting up

17 Apr '17

The Privacy SIG is starting up. Here are some useful links:

If you have an interest in the work of the Privacy SIG, or just want to lurk to see what is happening, set your notification preferences to “Watching” for the Privacy SIG category on Discuss.folio.org. That way you’ll receive email notifications of new posts; go to https://discuss.folio.org/c/sigs/priv and follow these steps:

I am the interim convener of the Privacy SIG. The Doodle poll will close on Wednesday and I’ll send out an announcement for the first meeting.

20 Apr '17

The meeting time for the Privacy SIG is set as Tuesdays at 9:00 am Eastern U.S. time. The SIG’s Meetings and Notes page has been updated with the link to the Zoom meeting, and everyone is encouraged to sign up for the mailing list.

The SIG is looking for a permanent convener. If you are interested, please contact me.

25 Apr '17

The agenda for today’s meeting is here: https://wiki.folio.org/display/PRIV/2017-04-25+-+Privacy+SIG+Notes

The connection details for the meeting are here: https://wiki.folio.org/display/PRIV/Privacy+SIG+Meetings+and+Notes