Please note: This video presents our optimal vision for this feature in FOLIO; What you see in this prototype is what we are working towards in the long run, and might not all be present in the first, developed version. Please help us improve it — share your questions, constructive feedback and ideas in the comments below.
:satellite: Scan, UX iteration 2

- Has this been supplanted by Cate’s proposed 'universal look-up?
- On Scan, Check In, Check out etc. - why is the input field hidden?
- How do we get to a fielded search?
- Can we / how do we determine what displays in the output? Is it meant to be customizable by user?

@andrealoigman Thanks for your questions!
- Has this been supplanted by Cate’s proposed 'universal look-up?
No, it has not. The generic “Scan” app is meant for all the situations where you scan tangibles for other purposes than circulation. The Inventory app concept @cateboerema has been sketching out will appear in the prototype soon and that should make the split less ambiguous!
- On Scan, Check In, Check out etc. - why is the input field hidden?
The original idea was to provide a universal support for scanning a tangible anywhere you are in the system, that would trigger a session in the Scan app. This would not be relevant for circulation, but for others it might be nice. For that purpose, there would be a type of function or input field that would be receiving the input from the scanner. However, in the Scan app, we will also add an input field for e.g. cases where the barcode is damaged or will not be recognized.
- How do we get to a fielded search?
That is in another app, the Search app, or from within a specific app, if you wish to search a given app’s content only, and not all the content in the system.
- Can we / how do we determine what displays in the output? Is it meant to be customizable by user?
I am unsure which function you are referring to when you say “the output”?