Please note: This video presents our optimal vision for this feature in FOLIO; What you see in this prototype is what we are working towards in the long run, and might not all be present in the first, developed version. Please help us improve it — share your questions, constructive feedback and ideas in the comments below.
:zap: Workflows, UX iteration 2

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Workflows, UX iteration 3, English

Any thoughts about how the ‘scan’ app and the ‘workflows’ app might work together? For example, if you were to build a workflow to modify a list of item records - could you use the scan app to create that list?

We are hoping that we can make it possible to add “Item is scanned” as a possible trigger to make the system run a sequence of workflow steps.

Please note: This video presents our optimal vision for this feature in FOLIO; What you see in this prototype is what we are working towards in the long run, and might not all be present in the first, developed version. Please help us improve it — share your questions, constructive feedback and ideas in the comments below.