Hi everyone,
The Folijet development team will be working on integrating a central code library for FOLIO to use when normalizing ISBNs, for searching and for being able to recognize 10/13 counterparts as equivalent to each other.
One question has come up that I’d like your thoughts on. When the ISBN eye-readable equivalents are printed on physical pieces, they tend to include hyphens, which separate logical pieces of the ISBN: country of publication, publisher, piece ID, and check digit. The placement of the hyphens can vary, especially depending on how long the publisher segment is. In Acquisitions and in any system-to-system exchanges, we usually transact via ISBNs without hyphens. In MARC records, they are usually stored without their hyphens.
The normalization software that we’re planning to use has the capability to parse an ISBN and insert hyphens into it.
Is there any real value in being able to display ISBNs with hyphens in the FOLIO Inventory or Codex? Does anyone feel a need to be able to output ISBNs with hyphens in exports from FOLIO?
My inclination is to deprioritize this aspect of the ISBN work, or perhaps not do it at all, unless folks can provide a compelling use case.
Thank you for any comments or feedback you can provide!
Ann-Marie Breaux
EBSCO/PO for Data Import