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Multilingual micro webservice

26 Feb '18


i would like to start a discussion on how we can add localization to Folio

In the link bellow a starting point of document with the ideas of what we as community should discuss and decide to have for localization/translation for the apps/modules/forms.

Document at http://goo.gl/ytYFLe

Let me know what you think


26 Feb '18

Thanks for your input, @rfrancisco! I am tagging @kszucs here, as the Qulto team will be building out translation management for FOLIO.

You may also be interested in some of the conversation on FOLIO-821, if you haven’t seen it yet.

26 Feb '18

i saw it, and i also linked it here . For formats i would choose .po files or json files .

Po files have a good support and editor (https://poeditor.com/). It also has a online collaboration tool for distributed teams (it’s paid)

26 Feb '18


Thanks for the idea. We will check this tool as well among others. We prefer opensource, so I think paid software is out of question (Cate can you confirm please).
Otherwise there is a description for developers, how to do the localization here. It would be fine if we found a tool which supports the JSON format. If not the we have to implement some post conversion step which for example generates the JSON from PO.

26 Feb '18

poedit is free, the editor is free, just the collaboration is paid

26 Feb '18

Cate asked us to find a crowdsource solution. This means for me to support collaboration.

26 Feb '18

Yes, I think so. Translation management will be pretty central so depending on a paid tool would limit adoption. And, yes, we are really hoping to find a tool that supports collaboration so we can crowdsource translations from the community.

26 Feb '18

Fortunately, POeditor offers a complementary instance for open source projects. From the bottom of their Pricing page:

Free Open Source Localization
Looking to translate Open Source software?
We’d love to help!

If your software has an OSI approved license,
we’ll give you unlimited strings to localize it.

Just create a project for your OS software on POEditor and fill in the Open Source Project Request in Project Settings - you’ll be on the job in no time!

We have a similar arrangement with Atlassian for Jira/Confluence and with BrowserStack. We acknowledge these contributions on the Thanks page of the developer site. If it is decided to use POeditor (or something similar) for translation support, add @michael.winkler from the Open Library Foundation and me to the discussion so we can work out the complementary usage details with the company.

26 Feb '18

Good news ! so we have a starting point for translation and collaboration

26 Feb '18

I’m looking at how to set up the OSS account now. There are some inherent difficulties in that FOLIO is such a large project. I’ll let you know as we negotiate…

26 Feb '18

Pootle (http://pootle.translatehouse.org/) is a good option, and is a open source tool. Is used by the Koha Community with success.

27 Feb '18

Hi Rui,

we are beginners but we are already to work. Then you need to help us

28 Feb '18


So what should our next step be ? arrange a webex/call to discuss the work to be done ?

who should we invite and in which date?
