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New language (Spanish – Latin America) and new translator in FOLIO

26 Apr '19

A new language, Spanish (Latin America), was added to FOLIO and @jalexsc joined the translator group to work on that language. In doing that, I made some changes to how the Spanish languages are handled in Lokalise. There are now three:

  • Spanish (‘es’)
  • Spanish – Spain (‘es_ES’)
  • Spanish – Latin America (‘es_419’)

I created an “automatic fill” rule in Lokalise so that a translation that is made to the ‘es’ dialect of Spanish is automatically copied to the Spain (‘es_ES’) and Latin America (‘es_419’) dialects. @cristina.gareta and Iñigo Lapitz: I added the two other dialects to your settings on Lokalise as well.

I hope the Spanish translators can help each other by first putting their translations into the ‘es’ dialect, and then making changes to the local dialect as needed. Translations that are copied into ‘es_ES’ and ‘es_419’ are marked in Lokalise as Unverified, so you can easily find and verify them.